譯文:Stupendous efforts are called for to further reform China’ s economic system, and an adaptive mechanism needs to be worked out to guarantee a well-rounded, coordinated and sustained development. The reform of enterprises must be further carried out, which will provide a level playing-field for fair competition, promoting side-by-side progress between business entities of different forms of ownership. Earnest efforts must be devoted to the optimization of China’s macro-economic control system, of the modern market system and of the economic legal system to rationalize and regulate various economic relations.
譯文:Renewed efforts are needed to increase support for the “three rurals”, namely the rural economy, rural community and rural residents, and the momentum for the development of agricultural production and rural community must be maintained. In order to enhance the total agricultural production capacity, it is necessary to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure construction and improve the living and working conditions of the farmers. The effort to carry out the rural tax-for-fees reform must be furthered, and alternative funding sources for agricultural development must be explored so as to develop a mechanism to ensure a steadily increasing input into agriculture. The development of educational programs, sanitation services and cultural activities in the rural areas must be speeded up with a view to elevating the overall development of the rural economy and community, and to maintaining social stability there.
原文:2004年,我國國內生產總值達到13.65萬億元,比上年增長9 . 5 % ;財政收人2 . 63 萬億元,增長21 . 4 % ;社會消費品零售總額5 . 4 萬億元,增長13 . 3 % ;進出口貿易總額1 . 15 萬億美元,增長35 . 7 % ,由上年居世界第四位上升為第三位;城鎮新增就業980 萬人,超過預期目標;城鎮居民人均可支配收人實際增長7 . 7 % ,農民人均純收人實際增長6 . 8 %。這些成就,標志著我國在全面建設小康社會道路上又邁出堅實的一步。
譯文:China GDP in 2004 reached 13.65 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5 % over the previous year. Government revenue stood at 2.63 trillion yuan, a rise of 21.4%. Retail sales of consumer goods totaled 5.4 trillion yuan, up by 13.3 %. The total value of imports and exports rose to US$1.15 trillion, up by 35.7%, lifting China rank from the fourth to the third place in the world’s league table of major importers and exporters. Some 9.8 million urban residents entered the workforce, exceeding the target. Urban per-capita disposable income grew by 7.7 % in real terms, and the real growth of rural per-capita net income came to 6.8 %. All of the above shows that China has taken another firm step forward along the road of building a moderately prosperous society in a well rounded way.
譯文:To realize this goal, we will adopt a scientific approach to commanding the economic and social development. We will adhere to the principle of putting the people first, always taking into consideration the fundamental interests of the broad masses, and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as to achieve the comprehensive development of man. We will uphold the orientation of the reform to build a socialist market economy, furthering the institutional mechanism for innovation, deepening the reforms aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of society and activating the dynamics for economic and social development.
Deng Xiaoping Theory
Advance with the times
Overall national strength
Sustainable development
Three-Gorges Project
Televised meeting
Standing Committee member
Laid-off workers
Re-employment of laid-off workers
Hidden employment
Reform of state- owned enterprises
Reform of medical insurance system
Reform of government institutions
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