Thispeal is onthe most urgent part of our determination to continue to cLmfor those suffering from poverty, disease and conflict around the world. The work ofthe United Nations in promoting development, resolving long-standing disputes, andfighting ignorance and p州udice are even more important today than they were before11 September.
The victims of the attacks on I I September were, first and foremost, the inno-cent civilians who lost their lives, and their families who now grieve for them. Butpeace, tolerance, mutual respect, human rights, the rule of law and the globaleconomy are all among the casualties of the terrorists' acts.
In conclusion, let me say that repairing the damage done to the fabric of theinternational community一restoring trust among peoples and culture.一will not beeasy. But just as a concerted international response can make the work of terroristsmuch harder to accomplish. so should the unity born out of this tragedy bring all na-tions together in defence of the most basic right一the right of all peoples to live inpeace and security. This is the challenge before us”we seek to eliminate the evil ofterrorism.
Thank you very much.
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