Sunburn and Dry Skin 曬傷和皮膚干燥
There are several ways to prevent sunburn, such as staying inside during the worst heat of the day, apply sunscreen liberally (at least a one-ounce shot-glasssize amount) before you go outside, reapply every two hours and always after swimming, and wearing clothing that keeps sensitive skin covered when in the sun(No need to cover up head to toe, but do consider a long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses at the beach, at least for part of the day).
有許多方法可以預防曬傷,比如在一天最熱的時候待在室內;在出門前抹足防曬霜(至少要有一個1 盎司小酒杯那么多的量),隔兩個小時就要再抹一次,游完泳后也一定要抹防曬霜;暴露在陽光下時身上的衣服要可以遮住敏感肌膚(不用從頭到腳都裹起來,但去沙灘時可以穿一件長袖襯衫,戴頂寬邊帽和一副太陽眼鏡,至少在一天的某個時候要這樣穿)。
Staying hydrated will help with itching and drying skin as well as keeping lotion and moisturizers on the skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water and slather moisturizers so your skin can drink too.
保持肌膚水潤有助緩解肌膚瘙癢和干燥,還有助肌膚吸收潤膚乳和保濕霜,所以一定要喝很多水,抹大量保濕霜,這樣你的肌膚也能“喝” 飽水。
Insect Bites and Stings 蚊蟲叮咬
When you and/or your children and/or pets come inside from a vacation jaunt or just from spending time in the park, be sure to check your body for signs of bites and research the proper treatment for bites. Bee stings are known for allergic reaction while tick bites can spread some serious illnesses you should be prepared to watch for and know when there is cause for concern.
當你和( 或) 你的孩子和( 或) 寵物度假游覽歸來,或者只是在公園里待了一會兒回來時,一定要檢查身體是否有被蚊蟲叮咬的痕跡,然后查找適當的處理方法。大家都知道,被蜜蜂蜇到會引起過敏反應,而被蜱叮咬會傳染一些嚴重疾病,這應該引起你的注意,并且你要知道 Summer Skin Care Tips 夏季肌膚保養什么時候應該引起你的足夠重視。
Using insect repellant, preferably the type that doesn’t have to absorb into the skin and can be sprayed on clothing (if it kills or repels insect, just imagine what those chemicals are doing to your body), can help prevent some bites.
Beach and Water Hazards 沙灘和水體危險
If you're on vacation around the beach or a lake or other bodies of water, you’re going to have hazards that won’t be common in the park. Some of these hazards include: jelly fish stings, stingray stings, and other biting, stinging or leeching animals.
You should also be careful to never walk barefoot on a beach or around the shores of a body of water. Buried under the sand or pebbles can be sharp rocks, broken glass, pieces of broken shell or other hard items that can cut your feet or ankles.
Poisonous Plants 有毒植物
Familiarize yourself with the look of plants like poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, and others. Also be familiar with things like cactus and other plants that can stab or poke or jab you and leave marks and scrapes on the skin.
Heat Rash 痱子
Heat rash can be itchy, painful and very uncomfortable, but it is completely preventable! Stay inside during the peak sun hours, use plenty of antiperspirant where necessary, and use a soft talcum or corn starch powder to keep skin dry and prevent rubbing and chaffing. Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash.
Rosacea 玫瑰斑
This common skin condition can be exacerbated by heat, causing your face to swell, get red, and break out in little pimples. If you’re prone to rosacea, seek refuge in air-conditioning, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes, and keep cool by taking cold showers, misting yourself with a spray bottle, and drinking plenty of cold water.
Keeping skin safe and healthy during the summer or on your vacation is not hard to do, but we tend to get so caught up in our fun activities we forget to take the necessary precautions. It might seem mundane to worry about sunscreen and repellants and learning about plants, but if you don’t, trust me, the time spent treating these skin hazard conditions and the pain and suffering from them will ruin your fun!
If you take care of your skin and skin hazards this summer or on your vacation, you’ll have a lot more fun and more time to enjoy your fun. Have a great summer!